Participants in the "DEHOGA Environmental Check" must undergo a critical review of the areas of energy and water consumption, waste generation, and residual waste and food, such as regional purchasing. For each of the four categories, differentiated threshold values and requirements are defined for the bronze, silver and gold award levels. The individual characteristics of the businesses are taken into account comprehensively.
The "DEHOGA Environmental Check" is the continuation of the DEHOGA Federal Association's energy campaign for the hospitality industry, which was launched together with the Federal Ministry for the Environment in 2006 and in which almost 6,000 hospitality entrepreneurs are now participating. The "DEHOGA Environmental Check" was designed for the specific requirements of the hospitality industry and its primarily small and medium-sized businesses.
All businesses awarded the "DEHOGA Environmental Check" are published on the website at www.dehoga-umweltcheck.de. All further detailed information on the "DEHOGA Environmental Check" can also be found there.
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